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Writer's pictureAna Massette

Recognizing Our Power

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Recognizing, accepting, and embracing our true power while living in a world full of contractions.

Here to share some of my learnings and observations while experiencing this magical thing called life. In this post, I am challenging some of our beliefs regarding the way things should or should not be which very often creates confusion about who we really are.

Please do not take anything you read here or anywhere as fact; Challenge my story, your story, thoughts, beliefs... everything! Only then, you might get closer to your truth.

We are ALL beautiful Beings!

We can learn how to appreciate our beauty just like we do with plants and animals. There's no judgment, just acceptance of what it is and continuous care to see it flourish."

Let's subscribe to the idea that we are all here on this fantastic place called planet earth to learn with and empower each other as the beautiful and perfect art pieces we are. Not to criticize those who are bold enough to recognize their power, perfection, and fulfillment as humans.

Mastering Unconditional Self Trust

By questioning our own beliefs we can break down the stories we have been told and master unconditional trust in ourselves as perfect humans in expansion. Let's observe the unconditional self-trust existent in other beings, celebrate this acknowledgment, and perhaps learn with it. We can grow together instead of staying stuck on old beliefs, because every time we disempower another human, we are actually disempowering ourselves.

The Flow of Life

We are moving towards Expansion not Perfection”

We are here to learn with our experiences and to keep moving towards expansion, not perfection. There's no movement towards perfection because we are already perfect, but there's always a movement on both sides in the direction of growth. Sometimes we are learning and sometimes when we are teaching, we must understand our place in each one of those situations by asking ourselves more questions rather than just following the status quo.

It's Your Life... Own Your Truth!

I am not here to tell you what you should believe or not but I am here to ask you to ask yourselves more questions. Every time a thought comes to your mind take a tiny break to question what this thought is really making you feel. If the feeling is not making you feel good ask yourself why? If the answer to the "why" is not making you feel you feel love, peace, joy, happiness, bliss, strength, power, and clarity, Ask yourself why? Ask yourself why again and again until you be able to see if you are really believing in your truth or in the history, you have been told.

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