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Writer's pictureAna Massette

Emotions: How to Unearth the Feelings That We Hide Away

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Have you ever felt something deep inside of you that you couldn't put your finger on? It could be a fear, sadness, or a feeling of joy. All of us have these emotions within us and yet, we often don’t know how to access them. This blog post will explore why it is important to understand our emotions, look at different ways to express our feelings and discuss the benefits of releasing these pent-up energies.

Why is Important To Understand Our Emotions

Our emotions are like keys – they can unlock powerful insights into ourselves. Understanding our emotions is one of the most powerful tools in understanding ourselves better and this understanding can help us to make better decisions in life. When we tap into our emotional intelligence, we gain insight into what drives us, what motivates us, and how we can use those motivations to reach our goals. This knowledge can also provide us with clarity on what is important in life and help us to focus on those things that give us meaning.

Different Ways To Express Our Emotions

“Get In Touch With Your Innermost Feelings”

There are many ways in which we can express our emotions - from talking about them in a video, writing about them in a journal, or blogging about them online, to talking about them with friends or family or even painting or drawing pictures that represent how we feel. Whatever works for you is great - as long as it helps you get in touch with your innermost feelings. But if none of those options feels right for you, then there are other ways too – such as yoga and meditation practices that can help us access deeper levels of consciousness and get more in touch with our true selves.

Additionally, physical activity such as running or dancing can also be very helpful when it comes to expressing emotions and releasing energy – particularly if we do it with intentionality i.e., focusing on the breath while moving with purposeful awareness. Even just taking a few moments each day for mindful contemplation (i.e., sitting quietly and observing your thoughts without judgment) can be enough to bring up any suppressed feelings so they can be released through conscious expression.

The Benefits of Acceptance

The first step in using emotions as a tool for understanding is acceptance. This involves acknowledging your feelings without judgment and learning to embrace them without trying to push them away. It’s only when we accept our feelings that we can truly gain insight into why they are present in the first place. Once we understand why emotion is present, then we can decide whether it serves us or not. If it does not serve us, then we have the power to release it and move on from it.

The Benefits Of Releasing Emotional Energy

When we release emotional energy through conscious expression – whether it’s by writing or talking about it or doing some form of physical activity – we open up space within ourselves for new energy and ideas to come in; this makes way for growth and transformation on both an individual level and collective level. Furthermore, when we express our true feelings openly without judgment – even difficult ones such as anger or sadness – this helps us move past any blocks that may have been preventing us from living a full life free from pain and suffering due to repressed emotions. Finally, engaging with our emotional experience wholeheartedly (without trying to suppress or ignore any part of it), allows us to connect deeply with ourselves on a soul level which leads not only to greater self-awareness but also greater acceptance both internally and externally as well as increased compassion towards others too!

Find the Emotion That Is Dragging You Down

Finally, identifying which emotions are dragging us down is essential for living a more meaningful life. Rather than simply labeling our emotions generically (e.g., “I’m feeling sad today”), try taking a deeper dive into figuring out exactly why you’re feeling that way – be it insecurity, loneliness, fear of failure etc.. Once you identify these underlying feelings then you can begin working towards addressing them in order to make peace with yourself and find balance within your life again.

Building Stronger Relationships.

At times, dealing with emotion can seem daunting but understanding its power allows us access into parts of ourselves that often remain hidden away beneath the surface layer of everyday life - helping build stronger relationships not just within ourselves but also with the world around us too! By practicing self-compassion when exploring emotion through practices such as journaling, mindfulness meditation or physical activity (or whatever works best for you!), then ultimately all emotional experiences become opportunities for growth - allowing us an opportunity to learn more about who we are so that ultimately we live fuller lives!

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Querida Ana,

Muito obrigada por compartilhar o seu conhecimento com todos!!

muito orgulhosa de voces!! voa menina!! :)

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