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Writer's pictureAna Massette

Don't Take Life Too Seriously: Play the "I Caught You" Game to Flip Your Thoughts

Ever felt like your brain is on a caffeine overdose, sketching bizarre doodles on the pristine canvas of your mind? Well, sometimes my brain feels like a toddler on a sugar rush, running rampant and churning out thoughts faster than I can order my next coffee! If you nodded (or even if you just rolled your eyes), congrats! You're in the right spot.

Sometimes it feels like our brain is that mischievous kid with a crayon, doodling all over the walls of our mind with thoughts that are, well... not so peachy? If that resonates with you, welcome to the club! We've all been there. And here’s the thing: life isn't always about avoiding the storms, but learning to dance in the rain. And while we're dancing, why not make it a fun jig?

The universe handed us a ticket to the grand circus of life, and let's be real, it didn't promise a smooth ride. But hey, if we're already on this rollercoaster, might as well enjoy the loops! So, how about a game to make the ride a tad more enjoyable and a lot less hurl-inducing?

Buckle up and put on your game face; introducing the "I Caught You" game!

Why Living on the Lighter Side of Life Rocks Okay, let's talk about that mammoth we've been avoiding. Life, with all its ups and downs, can sometimes feel like you're wearing a parka in the Sahara. Uncomfortable, sweaty, and just... why?! It's high time we swapped that heavy coat for a feathery boa, don't you think?

A dash of humor, a sprinkle of playfulness, and a whole lotta heart can make the journey a jolly jaunt instead of a jarring jog.

Reeling in Those Rogue Thoughts: A Guide to the "I Caught You" Game

Step 1: DIY Sanctuary Pick a place that screams YOU. Be it that quirky chair, the window sill with the just-right amount of sunlight, or the infamous couch dent molded to your perfection.

Step 2: Channel Your Inner Ninja It's stealth mode on! Keep an eagle eye (or two) on those rogue thoughts. Pounce when they least expect it!

Step 3: Gotcha, Thought! When a wild, gloomy thought appears, surprise it with your inner shout of "I caught you!" Like catching Pikachu in a Pokéball, but more cerebral.

Step 4: Take a U-turn with "What About..." Turn that thought on its head. Toss in a "What about..." and steer it towards happier shores. For instance, "It's raining on my parade" can morph into "What about that time the unexpected rain led to that epic muddy football match?"

Step 5: Treat Yo' Self! Every time you snag a thought, give yourself a gold star (or maybe just a mental fist bump). Rack up those points, and maybe trade them in for a treat. Cookies are universally accepted currency, FYI.

So, Why Play this Mindful Madness? Besides the sheer fun of it, this game sharpens our awareness and tilts our focus from the "ugh" to the "aah." It's like brain aerobics. And guess what, no sweat, just serotonin!

The Final Whistle: Life is a mixed bag of nuts - some salty, some sweet, and a few nuttier than the rest. The "I Caught You" game is your sieve, helping you pick out and savor the best ones. So, the next time your brain starts its mischief, just grin and get in the game!

Cheers to snagging those sneaky thoughts and to a lighter, brighter life journey. Game on, rockstar!

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