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Writer's pictureAna Massette

Creating Emotions and Reality

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Humans are undeniable born to create! It's in our DNA... it's our modus operandi (MO).

Here to share some of my learnings and observations while experiencing this magical thing called life. But please do not take anything you read here or anywhere as fact; Challenge my story, your story, thinkings, beliefs... everything! Only then, you might get closer to the truth.

Creation MO

Whenever we are not creating with purpose, life feels like it’s missing something.

Creating with purpose is automatically deep ingrained on us and to avoid the onus that goes along with it, some of us use all types of distractions, including having babies. But distractions work well as avoidance only when we are so busy enjoying it that we don’t have time to think nor see anything else. As soon as the distractions are over or even in a pause, we are left with a feeling of tiredness, boredom, or sometimes drained . As for having babies, very often it seems like the fulling excitement goes only while the created human is behaving according to its creator standards, otherwise, the creator is back into the "missing something" feeling again.

Creating Reality

We are always creating whether we want it or not, it’s just who we are and what we do as humans. Every time we speak we create phrases, sentences, histories, feelings, and when we move, we create movements, and so on. Everything is in constantly movement, it's never static; It’s just impossible to be alive and not be creating something. It's critical to be aware of this reality so we can add meaningful purpose within e-v-e-r-y single creation or at least as much as we can.

I used to be so scared of this word... Purpose, it seemed to be so intimidating. What is my purpose? What if I don't know! What do I do now? Go back to distractions until I find it? The fear dissipated when I stoped thinking about the word itself and focused on its meaning: Purpose means only to have a reason to do something, whatever it is. But since we must have to have a reason to do something, it might as well be beneficial to us. Right?!

If we are always creating, no matter what, we must then be vigilant of our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Otherwise, we might be creating from a start point that will not bring us any desired outcomes. It's like starting to paint a canvas with white color when the base of the canvas has already been covered in black. You will might be able to change the color to white but it will need a lot more work and a great amount of paint to go from black to white. Therefore, we must be very careful on how much we allow for emotions dictated our reality.

It really doesn't matter if we have all the justifications to stay at this place of unpleasant emotions. We are sharing this world with billions of different people, therefore we will many times feel hurt, betrayal, disappointed or whatever for the simple fact that we are different. But let's agree that we can all work on control the little child inside of us complaining about our experiences and move forward to a feeling that will bring a positive outcome. After all it's not about them, it's about us taking control of our lives, embracing our adult self and mastering the role of being the director our own experience. At the end of the day, when we can't control our own emotions, we have absolutely no right to ask someone else to control theirs. But we can do our job and to take good care of our beautiful self with love, compassion, understanding, and joy... no matter what!

What can we do to start from a clean canvas, one might ask? But the question to be asked is, how important it is to change the outcome? Or, how important it is to end the vicious circle of sameness? If it is crucial, the answer for the first questions is: Whatever it takes! It does't matter if we feel like doing it or not, it doesn't matter if our thoughts keep finding reasons for us to stay at the same place. If our well being is the most important for us (as it should be), we can look for resources, we can learn how to be stronger than our thoughts, we can think about the desired outcome and keep pushing ourselves on that direction, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day. We just never stop! Never look back! Never look down! Sometimes we cry if we need a break but whatever happens, let's just focus on the desired outcome and keep moving forward, closer and closer to a delightful and glowing self... We deserve it!

A world where adults might play like children rather than children suffering because have to be adults.

Creating with Purpose

Whatever we create, the purpose or simply said the reason we have to proceed must be primary based on our well being and ultimately on what is good for the world around us. The best thing we can do is to work hard on becoming aware of our own BS cycles and take control of our lives. And if we have to create distractions let's hold ourselves accountable for the reasons of which we are creating it and most importantly to the outcome of it. And if we have to create humans, let's do it because it's good for the world and not just for ourselves. That way, we can all live in world where adults might chose to have fun and play like children rather than a world where children are suffering because have to be adults.

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