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Introducing MUST: The Path to
Mastering Unconditional Self Trust

Shinto Shrine Gate


Moving to America

My journey toward self-trust began long ago, but it was when I moved to America that things really took off. Suddenly, everything I thought I knew about right and wrong was challenged. Despite spending years in school to understand this new culture, confusion persisted.  




Taking Actions

As someone who naturally seeks out the good in life, I found myself stuck in a cycle of constant struggle. The pain became overwhelming and I knew I had to take action. Acting in ways that were incongruent with my true self and others, I realized I had lost sight of what life was "supposed to be". Doubt and uncertainty crept in, eroding my confidence piece by piece.


The tools I had learned along the way weren't providing the solutions I needed. So I embarked on a mission to adapt these tools to fit my own traumatized brain. Through extensive research, trial, and error, I discovered that our life experiences shape our abilities to utilize certain tools. 



Gradient Abstract Shapes


Facing Myself

Then came the year we all know too well - 2020. It was a year of tremendous challenges that forced us to confront ourselves in ways we never thought possible. And it was during this time that I met someone who mirrored my own struggles, allowing me to see myself more clearly than ever before.

Hands and Diamond


Welcome to Life

Once I faced the pain that held me back using the strategies I crafted for myself, I started witnessing the incredible transformation. And it hit me: This journey was my mission to create unique solutions that hadn't been explored yet. I wanted to help others heal their past by placing more trust in themselves than in the stories their brains were spinning.


That's how MUST was born. It's not just a collection of actions; it's a guide to unlocking unshakable self-trust and rewriting your story.

Are you ready to join me on this empowering journey? Let's trust ourselves, embrace our inner strength, and create a future filled with possibilities. Welcome to MUST!


Welcome to MUST, a company that thrives on the extraordinary synergy between simplicity, creativity, and innovation. At MUST, we're all about crafting innovative healing tools that effortlessly guide individuals through life's challenges.


Our mission? To revolutionize self-improvement using a unique blend of UX design, personal experience, and spiritual insight.

Imagine a world where navigating life's complexities becomes a breeze. That's exactly what we're here to offer. Our cutting-edge approach integrates the art of UX design with the wisdom of life's journey and the depth of spirituality. We've meticulously curated a range of tools aimed at busy individuals, those who are seeking transformation but find themselves short on time.


Picture this: harnessing the power of everyday technology as a catalyst for your personal growth. We've transformed the familiar items around you into instruments of healing. From clothing and accessories to common household objects, each piece becomes a powerful tool that resonates with your journey.

Our philosophy revolves around the notion that transformative change need not be complicated or time-consuming. With MUST, it's all about simplicity and efficiency. We've distilled the essence of healing practices into user-friendly tools that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.


So, whether you're rushing through a busy day or simply seeking a convenient path to growth, MUST is your steadfast companion. Our innovative healing tools stand as a testament to the power of blending technology, experience, and spirituality. Join us on this remarkable journey where simplicity meets innovation, and transformation becomes a way of life. Welcome to MUST – where healing and progress go hand in hand


Trusting The Process

I am from Brazil and move to America in 2007. I have an entrepreneurial mindset and I love to solve complex challenges. I also like providing for people, I provide jobs, knowledge, love, peace, joy, pleasure, fun, strength, healing… things like that. ;-)


I always enjoyed having a deeper understanding of life and how we got here as human species. In 2016 I became a User Experience Researcher (UX Design) and I fell in love with the research process. After some analysis of the UX process, I found out it actually mirrors life itself. It defends the proposition that in order to get to a successful product we must work hard and “trust the design process,” just as we all heard many times, “trust the process of life.”


I feel blessed to be a UX researcher because it gave me the skills to research ways to change the course of my life and the ability to decipher pieces of evidence of life moving in the right direction. I've learned that in order to become the best version of myself, I must work hard and trust the process of design, oops process of life! ;-x


Ana Massette

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